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Don't forget Round 1 Offer Reply Date!
26th August
Now that Round 1 offers have been issued, the next step is to reply to your offers.If you haven't already done so, you have until Monday 26th August to accept your place in DBS through the CAO website. 

If you are unsure about your offers or any of the Full-Time Undergraduate programmes in DBS, you can contact the DBS admissions office by calling 01 4177 500 or emailing

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Why Choose DBS?
5 reasons to get started with DBS in September 2013:

1. Recognition and Accreditiation

2. Irelands Largest Independent College

3. Tax relief on fees and payment plans for students

4. Student Support Services

5. DBS Employability Pillar


1. All of the degrees on offer in DBS are awarded by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) - formally HETAC. QQI is the qualifications awarding body for third-level educational institutions outside the university sector and HETAC's role is to ensure the standard of programmes taught in such institutions.

2. The college currently has a student population of more than 9,000 making it Ireland's largest private college in terms of student population. Established in 1975, the College quickly established an excellent reputation for teaching quality and standards, offering flexible and innovative learning opportunities that reflect and match the needs of students and employers.

3. All Undergraduate programmes of 2 years duration or more have been approved for tax reliefe purposes. For all Full-Time courses, tax reliefe of 20% is granted on fees paid exceeding €2,000 and up to €7,000. DBS also offer a variety of payment plans which are available to students.

4. Feedback from students indicates that they value the student focus that our lecturers and support staff offer. At DBS, this is the key factor in our service delivery. We recognise that you may need different types of support as you progress through your studies, be it academic direction, career advice, mentoring or personal attention. We offer a comprehensive service in these areas to all our students. For instance, the Career Services team are putting a greater emphasis on employability, and will sit down with students and help them with their CV, offer interview tips and provide support to gain work placements, internships and graduate recruitment.

5. In line with the DBS philosophy of ensuring its graduates have a suite of knowledge, skills and competence that make them readily employable, The Level 8 Business programmes contains an Employability Pillar of modules that complement the programme specific modules. This ensures that students are aware of employer expectations on graduating, enhances their communication skills and time management while positioning the student for academic development during the course of their degree studies.

Next DBS Open Event
Saturday 24th August 12-2pm
If you missed our last open event, the next one will take place on Saturday 24th August, from 12 - 2pm in our Aungier Street Campus.


Open events are a great chance for you to meet our lecturers and students, discuss our courses and view the facilities of the college; helping you to decide if DBS is the right choice for your study this year.
Available on the evening will be the following services:

Admissions Team
School of Arts Academic Staff

School of Business Academic Staff
School of Law Academic Staff
Student Services

Career Services 

For directions and details on parking facilties and transport, please see our website.
We look forward to meeting you!

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