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CAO Round One Acceptance Deadline - Mon 29th Aug
DBS Open Events: Saturday 27th August 12p,-2 pm & Tuesday 30th August, 5pm-7pm.
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CAO Round One Acceptance Deadline - Mon 29th Aug
Congratulations on getting your Round One Offer here at DBS. We are excited to welcome you in September!

In order to secure your place, you need to accept your CAO Round One Offer by Monday August 29th. You can accept this offer by replying to the CAO either online or via post but not both. If you have received an offer from both your level 8 list and your level 6/7 list you must decide on one course on offer. You cannot accept two offers in any one round.

Accepting a lower preference offer in Round One does not prevent you from receiving an offer in Round  Two or Round Three for a course higher up on your list of preferences, if you are eligible for those courses. Should a place become available in later rounds and if you are eligible for this place, you may receive an offer which you can choose to accept or ignore. Accepting a new offer will automatically cancel the previous acceptance. 

For more information on the process of accepting CAO offers please see this short video on the CAO website .
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